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Morathi, Great Oracle of Khaine, covets the prize that overshadows all others: the power of a goddess!
Magisters are powerful sorcerers in service to Tzeentch.
The Auralan Wardens fight in close formation, using long pikes that they set to receive the charge of the foe.
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Chosen from the largest and strongest of the saurus to protect their slann masters, the Saurus Guard are a living shield that defiantly protects their ancient masters from harm.
In this book, you’ll find loads of new content for every Warcry warband. Fight deadly challenge battles in your campaigns to master the might of Chimeras, Ghorgons and other towering terrors, master new fated quests or recruit a number of mercenary champi
Like all aelves, Namarti Thralls possess a physical grace that to other races appears supernatural.
Discorver Warcry with this rulebook that will guide you through the Mortal Realms
Savage, avian beasts dedicated to Tzeentch, Tzaangors have been willingly warped into shapes and forms pleasing to the Architect of Fate.
Kurnoth is one of the few deities worshiped by the sylvaneth outside of Alarielle, and he represents the savagery and appetite of nature.
The Clanrats masse in huge bands to give each other courage and better cover the battlefield to overwhelm the enemy,
Small but deadly, seraphon Skinks are skirmishers of surprising vivacity and unsuspected power.
This multipart plastic kit makes 3 Necropolis Stalkers and comes supplied with 3x 50mm Citadel round bases. Alternately, the kit can be assembled as 3 Immortis Guard.
This 146-part plastic kit makes 20 Mortek Guard and comes supplied with 20x 25mm Citadel round bases.
When it comes to feet on the ground, the Arkanaut Companies form the Kharadron Overlords’ main fighting forces
Wildly unpredictable, savage, untamed and violent, Waaagh! magic cannot be controlled by anything with even a shred of sanity.
This multi-part plastic kit contains the parts necessary to assemble one orruk Megaboss, covered in nailed-on iron armour, armed with a boss choppa and rip-tooth fist. Fourteen components are included, along with a Citadel 60mm Round base.
Incredibly powerful elite warriors, perhaps the strongest in their lodge, the Hearthguard Berzerker