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In Very Bad Lands: T-Rex, you will be playing as dinosaurs trying to survive the various disasters that threaten to make you go extinct! You’ll need to play cleverly, do a bit of bluffing, and have a little luck on your side to make it through these harrowing and chaotic times.

Every round, all players receive a Disaster card. On their turn, they can choose to either keep that card or swap it with their neighbor's or the river card. At the end of the round, all players reveal their cards, and the one with the lowest number loses 1 Life on their dinosaur!


Wait... Each dinosaur has a special power that subtly changes an aspect of the game, meaning no two games will ever be exactly alike!

Your goal is to survive just a little bit longer than the others. The first player to have both of their dinosaurs go extinct loses, and everyone else wins!


Will you have the wits to keep your dinosaur alive through meteorite strikes, landslides, and droughts, or will your species be condemned to the tar-pits of history?



For more fun, try mixing this box with Very Bad Lands: Brachio!



• 12 Dinosaur cards

• 11 Disaster cards

• 1 First Player card

• 1 Rule booklet

• 6 Player Aid

• 1 Annex

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